>>Mathematician, programmer, and educator.
The University of Queensland
Introduction to Software Engineering (CSSE1001)
2021 -- 2024
Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]
Functional and Logic Programming (COMP3400)
2021 -- 2024
Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]
Programming of Simulation and Analysis, Symbolic Computation Module (MATH2504)
2021 -- 2024
Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]
Programming of Simulation and Analysis, Programming Module (SCIE1000)
2021 -- 2024
Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]
University of Toronto Mississauga
Calculus for the Life Sciences
Fall 2018, Summer 2019
Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]
- Lecture 0 (Welcome to MAT 134) [pdf]
- Lecture 1 (The Real Line) [pdf]
- Lecture 2 (Graphs and Functions) [pdf]
- Lecture 3 (Trig and Exponential Functions) [pdf]
- Lecture 4 (Inverses and Logarithms) [pdf]
- Lecture 5 (Limits and Limit Laws) [pdf]
- Lecture 6 (Limits with Infinity, Continuity, and IVT) [pdf]
- Lecture 7 (Tangents and the Differential Operator) [pdf]
- Lecture 8 (Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change) [pdf]
- Lecture 9 (Derivatives of Trig Functions) [pdf]
- Lecture 10 (Chain Rule and Implicit Differentiation) [pdf]
- Lecture 11 (Derivatives of Inverse Functions) [pdf]
- Lecture 12 (Related Rates) [pdf]
- Lecture 13 (Extreme Values and MVT) [pdf]
- Lecture 14 (Monotonicity, Oblique Asymptotes, and Curve Sketching) [pdf]
- Lecture 15 (L'Hopital's Rule) [pdf]
- Lecture 16 (Applied Optimization) [pdf]
- Lecture 17 (Antiderivatives) [pdf]
- Lecture 18 (Midterm Review) [pdf]
- Lecture 19 (Area Estimation/Finite Sums) [pdf]
- Lecture 20 (Limits of Finite Sums) [pdf]
- Lecture 22 (Definite Area Substitution and Area Between Curves) [pdf]
- Lecture 23 (Volumes, Volumes of Rotation, Arc Length, Surface Area) [pdf]
- Lecture 24 (Table Lookup and Integration by Parts) [pdf]
- Lecture 25 (Trig Integration) [pdf]
- Lecture 26 (Trig Substitution) [pdf]
- Lecture 27 (Partial Fractions) [pdf]
- Lecture 28 (Averages) [pdf]
- Lecture 29 (Indefinite Integrals) [pdf]
- Lecture 30 (Sequences) [pdf]
- Lecture 31 (Series) [pdf]
- Lecture 32 (Integral Test / Comparison Test) [pdf]
- Lecture 33 (Alternating Series/Ratio and Root Test) [pdf]
- Lecture 34 (Alternating Series Test) [pdf]
- Lecture 35 (Power Series and Taylor Series) [pdf]
Introduction to Computer Programming
Fall 2018, Fall 2019
Recorded video lectures. [YouTube]
- Lecture 0 - Welcome to CSC 108 [pdf]
- Lecture 1 - Python as a Calculator [pdf]
- Lecture 2 - Functions and Procedures [pdf]
- Lecture 3 - Logic and Booleans [pdf]
- Lecture 4 - Scope [pdf]
- Lecture 5 - Designing Functions [pdf]
- Lecture 6 - Strings, Indexing, and Slicing [pdf]
- Lecture 7 - If. Then. Else. [pdf]
- Lecture 8 - Simplifying if statements. [pdf]
- Lecture 9 - For-Loops [pdf]
- Lecture 10 - More For Loops [pdf]
- Lecture 11 - Loop Practice [pdf]
- Lecture 13 - While Loops [pdf]
- Lecture 14 - Lists [pdf]
- Lecture 15 - Lists and Looping [pdf]
- Lecture 16 - List Practice [pdf]
- Lecture 17 - File IO [pdf]
- Lecture 18 - More File IO [pdf]
- Lecture 19 - Dictionaries [pdf]
- Lecture 20 - Docstring Testing [pdf]
- Lecture 21 - More Docstring Testing [pdf]
- Lecture 22 - Lazy Literature [pdf]
- Lecture 24 - Sorting [pdf]
- Lecture 25 - Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort [pdf]
- Lecture 26 - Algorithmic Complexity [pdf]
- Lecture 27 - Object Oriented Programming [pdf]
- Lecture 28 - Object Magix [pdf]
- Lecture 29 - Total and Partial Ordering [pdf]
University of Newcastle Australia
Set Theory and Logic
Winter 2015
Course notes.
Mathematical Discovery 1
Fall 2015
Course notes.
Videos of lectures:
- Logic and the Geometry of Complex Arithmetic.
- Euler's Formula, De Moivre's Theorem, Root and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.
- Regions in the Complex Plane.
- Introduction to Vectors.
- Dot Product, Projections, and Cross Product.
- Lines, Planes, and Hyperplanes.
- Matrices and Linear Systems.
- Operations on Matrices and Inverting Matrices
University of Western Ontario
Foundations of Computer Science I (CS 3331a)
Fall 2012
Course notes.
All material on course website.
Foundations of Computer Science I (CS 3331a)
Fall 2011
Suggested references:
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Application (Kenneth Rosen) [amazon]
- Feynman Lectures on Computation (Richard P. Feynman and Anthony Hey) [amazon]
Applied Logic for Computer Science (CS 2209b)
Winter 2011
Textbook : Introduction to Logic (Harry J. Gensler) [amazon]
- Quiz 1 [solutions]
- Quiz 2 [solutions]
- Quiz 3 [solutions]
- Quiz 4 [solutions]
- Midterm Solutions [solutions]
Foundations of Computer Science I (CS 3331a)
Fall 2010
Suggested references:
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Application (Kenneth Rosen) [amazon]
- Feynman Lectures on Computation (Richard P. Feynman and Anthony Hey) [amazon]
Computer Science Fundamentals I (CS 1026b)
Winter 2010
Midterm Exam [questions] [solutions]
Final Exam [questions] [solutions]
Foundations of Computer Science I (CS 3331a)
Fall 2009
Suggested references:
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Application (Kenneth Rosen) [amazon]
- Feynman Lectures on Computation (Richard P. Feynman and Anthony Hey) [amazon]
McMaster University
Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science (COM SCI 1FC3)
- Logic and the Maple Environment [pdf]
- Set Theory [pdf]
- Algorithm Analysis [pdf]
- Recursion [pdf]
- Reccurence Relations (Computation) [pdf]
- Reccurence Relations (Theory) [pdf]
Basic Data Structures and Algorithms (COM SCI 1MD3)
Computer Science I (COM SCI 1MC3)
- Binary [pdf]
- Variables and Data Types [pdf]
- Control Statements [pdf]
- Borland C++ Compiler [pdf]
- Arrays [pdf]
- Procedures, Functions, and User Defined Data Types [pdf]
- Pointers [pdf]
- Stack Frames and the Heap [pdf]
- Coding Practices [pdf]
- State Diagrams / Scope and Visibility [pdf]
- Exam Prep [pdf]
- C Crash Course [pdf]