Paul Vrbik

>>Mathematician, programmer, and educator.

The University of Queensland

Introduction to Software Engineering (CSSE1001)

2021 -- 2024

Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]

Functional and Logic Programming (COMP3400)

2021 -- 2024

Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]

Programming of Simulation and Analysis, Symbolic Computation Module (MATH2504)

2021 -- 2024

Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]

Programming of Simulation and Analysis, Programming Module (SCIE1000)

2021 -- 2024

Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]

University of Toronto Mississauga

Calculus for the Life Sciences

Fall 2018, Summer 2019

Recorded video lectures. [YouTube Playlist]

Introduction to Computer Programming

Fall 2018, Fall 2019

Recorded video lectures. [YouTube]

University of Newcastle Australia

Set Theory and Logic

Winter 2015

Course notes.

Mathematical Discovery 1

Fall 2015

Course notes.

Videos of lectures:

  1. Logic and the Geometry of Complex Arithmetic. [YouTube]
  2. Euler's Formula, De Moivre's Theorem, Root and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. [YouTube]
  3. Regions in the Complex Plane. [YouTube]
  4. Introduction to Vectors. [YouTube]
  5. Dot Product, Projections, and Cross Product. [YouTube]
  6. Lines, Planes, and Hyperplanes. [YouTube]
  7. Matrices and Linear Systems. [YouTube]
  8. Operations on Matrices and Inverting Matrices [YouTube]

University of Western Ontario

Foundations of Computer Science I (CS 3331a)

Fall 2012

Course notes.

All material on course website.

Foundations of Computer Science I (CS 3331a)

Fall 2011

Suggested references:

  1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Application (Kenneth Rosen) [amazon]
  2. Feynman Lectures on Computation (Richard P. Feynman and Anthony Hey) [amazon]

Applied Logic for Computer Science (CS 2209b)

Winter 2011

Textbook : Introduction to Logic (Harry J. Gensler) [amazon]

  1. Quiz 1 [solutions]
  2. Quiz 2 [solutions]
  3. Quiz 3 [solutions]
  4. Quiz 4 [solutions]
  5. Midterm Solutions [solutions]

Foundations of Computer Science I (CS 3331a)

Fall 2010

Suggested references:

  1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Application (Kenneth Rosen) [amazon]
  2. Feynman Lectures on Computation (Richard P. Feynman and Anthony Hey) [amazon]

Computer Science Fundamentals I (CS 1026b)

Winter 2010

Midterm Exam [questions] [solutions]

Final Exam [questions] [solutions]

Foundations of Computer Science I (CS 3331a)

Fall 2009

Suggested references:

  1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Application (Kenneth Rosen) [amazon]
  2. Feynman Lectures on Computation (Richard P. Feynman and Anthony Hey) [amazon]

McMaster University

Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science (COM SCI 1FC3)

Basic Data Structures and Algorithms (COM SCI 1MD3)

Computer Science I (COM SCI 1MC3)