Paul Vrbik

>>Mathematician, programmer, and educator.



  1. Jan Vrbik and Paul Vrbik. (2012) Informal Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Maple, ISBN=9781461440567, Springer. [amazon]

Papers in Conference Proceedings

  1. M Liut, A Ly, JJN Xu, J Banson, P Vrbik, CD Hardin (2023) "I Didn't Know": Examining Student Understanding of Academic Dishonesty in Computer Science. 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science. [web]
  2. Jan Vrbik and Paul Vrbik (2023) Competing Patterns in Bernoulli Sequence of Trials. Applied Mathematics. Scientific Research Publishing. [pdf]
  3. Jan Vrbik and Paul Vrbik (2023) A Novel Proof of the Desnanot-Jacobi Determinant Identity. Mathematics Magazine. [web]
  4. J Banson, I Cowan, C Hardin, M Liut, P Vrbik. (2022) Perceptions of Computing Students on Academic Dishonesty. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE 22). [web]
  5. Andrew Valentine, Paul Vrbik, Richard Thomas. (2022) A systematic review of paper-based versus computer-based testing in engineering and computing education. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). [web]
  6. Scott B. Lindstrom and Paul Vrbik. (2018) Phase Portraits of Hyperbolic Geometry. (2019). [web]
  7. Daniel Angus, Yeyan Yu, Paul Vrbik, Andrew Back, Janet Wiles. (2018) PauseCode: Computational Conversation Timing Analysis. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Multimodal Analyses Enabling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine Interaction, pages 43-47. [web]
  8. Matthew P. Skerritt and Paul Vrbik. (2018) Extending the PSLQ Algorithm to Algebraic Integer Relations. [arXiv]
  9. Parisa Alvandi, Marc Moreno Maza, Éric Schost, Paul Vrbik. (2015) A Standard Basis Free Algorithm for Computing the Tangent Cones of a Space Curve. Proceedings of the 16th Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9301, Springer, pages 45-60. [web]
  10. Parisa Alvandi, Changbo Chen, Steffen Marcus, Marc Moreno Maza, Éric Schost, Paul Vrbik. (2014) Doing Algebraic Geometry with the RegularChains Library. Proceedings of ICMS 2014 - 4th International Congress, Seoul, South Korea, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8592, pages 472-479. [pdf]
  11. Marc Moreno Maza, Éric Schost, Paul Vrbik. (2012) Inversion Modulo Zero-dimensional Regular Chains. Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (CASC 2012. Maribor, Slovenia). 198-210. Springer Verlag. [pdf]
  12. Steffen Marcus, Marc Moreno Maza, Paul Vrbik. (2012) On Fulton's Algorithm for Computing Intersection Multiplicities. Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (CASC 2012. Maribor, Slovenia). 224-235. Springer Verlag. [pdf]
  13. Michael Monagan, Paul Vrbik. (2009) Lazy and Forgetful Polynomial Arithmetic and Applications. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (CASC 2009. Kobe, Japan). 221-239. Springer Verlag. [pdf]
  14. B. Coles, I. Bosa, P. Vrbik, and R. M. Rothstein. (2005) Analysis of diffusion Monte Carlo distributions. (Pacifichem 2005. USA, Honolulu). Invited paper. American Institute of Physics.

Papers in Journals

  1. Michael Coons and Paul Vrbik. (2012) An Irrationality Measure for Regular Paperfolding Numbers Journal of Integer Sequences, Volume 15, Issue 1, Article 12.1.6. [web link]
  2. Braden Coles, Paul Vrbik, Robert D. Giacometti, and Stuart M. Rothstein. (2008) Gamma Distribution Model To Provide a Direct Assessment of the Overall Quality of Quantum Monte Carlo-Generated Electron Distributions J. Phys. Chem. A, 2008, 112 (10), pp 2012-2017. DOI: 10.1021/jp075790e. [web link]

On the ArXiv

  1. Paul Vrbik. (2016) An Illustrated Introduction to the Truncated Fourier Transform 1602.04562


  1. Paul Vrbik. (2014) Computing Intersection Multiplicity via Triangular Decomposition, Doctoral Thesis, University of Western Ontario, London, ON. [pdf]
  2. Paul Vrbik. (2008) Lazy and Forgetful Polynomial Arithmetic and Applications, Masters Thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC. [pdf]
  3. Saeed Jahed, Paul Vrbik. (2006) Verifying Baklava. Undergraduate Thesis, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON. [pdf]


  1. Computing Intersection Multiplicity via Triangular Decomposition (Thesis Defence) [pdf]
  2. The Dimension of a Monomial Ideal [pdf]
  3. Regular Chains Development: Quick Start Guide [pdf]
  4. Inverting Matrices Modulo 0-Dim Regular Chains [pdf]
  5. Regular Chains: Theory and Computation [pdf]
  6. Maple Tips, Tricks and Hacks. [pdf]
  7. Systolic Methods for GCD Computation [pdf]
  8. Visualization of Homotopy's and Their Properties [pdf]
  9. Lazy and Forgetful Polynomial Arithmetic and Applications [pdf]


  1. Marc Moreno Maza, Paul Vrbik. (2012) On Fulton's Algorithm for Computing Intersection Multiplicities. East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD 2012. Rochester, MI). [pdf]
  2. Marc Moreno Maza, Paul Vrbik. (2011) Inverting Matrices Modulo Zero Dimensional Regular Chains. International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2011. San Jose, CA). [pdf]
  3. Greg Reid, Paul Vrbik. (2009) Visualization of Homotopy's and their Properties. East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD 2009. Kingston, RI). [pdf]
  4. Michael Coons, Paul Vrbik. (2007) On the density of integers bi-representable as the sum of two cubes. CMS-MITACS Joint Conference (Winnepeg, MB). [pdf]
  5. Paul Vrbik, Stuart M. Rothstein. (2004) Determining the alpha-polarizability of hydrogen molecule using quantum monte carlo. [jpg]